Legal Issues and Funding


On the issue of legality for Park 51 and whether the funding is coming from a credible source, CNN has reported fairly and accurately. In the article "Landmark status resolved, NYC group moves forward on Islamic Center," it specifically states that the land at "49-51 Park Place, are owned by real estate developer Soho Properties, which intends to build the Islamic center two blocks north of the former site of the World Trade Center" ( There never was much that the city, or anybody in it, could do about the location and legality of the location for Park 51. It is owned legally and fairly by Soho Properties. In the same article it states, "While the public vote was the focus of much debate about the planned Islamic center and mosque, the commission could not have prevented the developers from building such a community center. The commission, by designating the building a landmark, could only have prevented Soho Properties from demolishing the building or significantly altering its exterior" ( CNN framed the way they said this last part like they were addressing an issue that was arousing much curiosity among the public, and stated it in a way that was answering the questions of the people and making it easy to understand.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is the man behind the funding of Park 51, through the Muslim church, and he hasn't said much for the public. CNN has fairly portrayed him, and clearly stated in the article "Interview with 'ground zero mosque' spokesman," that the Imam is, "the Cordoba Initiative’s founder" ( There are plenty of articles and coverage on how the Imam is not spending much time in the US fretting over the controversy with Park 51 fairly and ethically. 

We declare this segment: TRUTH 



In regard to zoning laws or permits surrounding the community center, Colbert responds to a blog post by Brian Fisher, from the American Family Association stating "Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America."   Colbert obviously uses humor to dodge the issue, and doesn't give it a real response due to the impossibility of what Fisher is suggesting, and Colbert makes light of the situation ( 

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Weapon of Mass Construction
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionMarch to Keep Fear Alive
(see 2:19 - 2:40)

The funding for the community center is a topic that is brought up in Colbert's report, but not in great detail.  He mentions that John Stewart reported that Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal is funding the community center, and that Bin Talal is also the 2nd largest share holder of Fox News. Therefore, the best way to fight terror is to stop watching Fox News (

Bin Talal is indeed a contributor to one of Imam Rauf's organizations, according to Media Matters for America ( Colbert goes on to make up connections, and say that he, himself is a terrorist through the connection.  The satire used shows how crazy it is for people to draw such conclusions from someone funding money for a project.

According to The Society Of Professional Journalists Code Of Ethics, you should "Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status" (
Using satire, Colbert shows that he is upholding the code of ethics by showing how ludicrous and inaccurate these "terrorism connections" can be.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Terror Bunker 5200
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionMarch to Keep Fear Alive
(see 1:20-3:20)

We declare this segment: TRUTH



On August 16, 2010, Jon Stewart shows footage of some of the statements government leaders have made. An press conference with President Obama showed him advocating freedom of religion ( As Stewart's news story continues, a myriad of government leaders' opinions as discussed on various news stations are shown. As a result of inconsistent statements by news sources and political leaders, Stewart jests that "the First Amendment has the same mantra as Century 21: Location, location, location." He later makes a joke: "This is America, where speech, unlike religion, is completely protected." Stewart's wisecracks allude to the fact that many people are trying to reshape the meaning of the First Amendment so it will align better with their feelings. In an interview with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on August 26, 2010, Bloomberg and Stewart discuss freedom of religion and the right granted to Muslims to build a mosque in New York (,

In regard to funding, Stewart discusses the issues of where the monetary support for this mosque may be coming from. The prospect of funding coming from terrorists or people with terrorist connections has caused a lot of unrest with many news sources. On August 19, 2010, Stewart brings up potential terrorist ties for the first time ( August 23, he goes more in depth. The involvement of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was confirmed, and Stewart exposes his ties to Fox News. Alwaleed owns a significant percentage of Fox News ( See the following segment:  

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Parent Company Trap
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

Although Stewart spends most of his time making fun of Fox News, even going so far as to advise his audience to stop watching Fox News to solve this problem, the facts he presents are true. Alwaleed has strong ties to Fox News. However, through the terrorist connections made by Stewart, he shows his viewers that almost anyone can be connected to someone somehow. Stewart showed honesty and exposed others' truthiness. He also emulated agenda-setting when he spoke out against Fox News. He repeated Alwaleed's connection to Fox several times over with the intention of getting his viewers to think about it and boycott Fox News.

We declare this segment: TRUTH



Although not much is found on the legal issues involving the mosque, Glenn Beck does state that Muslims do have a legal right to build the mosque. He only opposes the location and proximity to ground zero.  In an article found on (, it does say that where the money is coming from is yet to be determined.   

We declare this segment: TRUTH



In the video segment at the beginning of the page on this link (,  a brief clip is shown of the committee in NYC that voted, unanimously, not to dedicate the abadoned warehouse that is 2 1/2 blocks from ground zero, as a historical site, thus, making it legal for the community center to be built. MSNBC puts great focus on the First Amendment right that Muslims have, as citizens of the United States, to build a community center. At times a negative light is cast on those individuals (whether the general public or politicians) who are attempting to deny people the freedom of religion. But that negative light could be cast by the hatred these individuals, opposed to the building of Park 51, are vocalizing themselves, not a network bias. MSNBC reports the accurate facts that due to city and zoning approval and the freedom of religion, Muslims legally have a right to build this center. 

We declare this segment: TRUTH