

According to CNN, the proximity of Park51 to Ground Zero is 2 blocks away, which is then 4 blocks away from another Islamic mosque. In the article "Landmark status resolved, NYC group moves forward on Islamic center," is stated the exact address of where "commissioners voted unanimously against landmark status"  was 45-47 Park Place (  This and 49-51 Park Place are owned by real estate developer Soho Properties. Also stated in the article is that Soho Properties, "intends to build the Islamic center two blocks north of the former site of the World Trade Center" (

CNN reported the proximity of the Park51 project site to Ground Zero, two blocks away, accurately and ethically.

We declare this to be: TRUTH



The issue of the proximity of the cultural center in relation to Ground Zero is briefly touched on in The Colbert Report. Stephen never actually states the exact location of the community center, but he does make reference about the nearby strip club and put up a map to show the location.  The location shown on the map and it's relation to the strip club and ground zero are accurate.
Colbert uses the fact that a strip club is nearby as a way to satirically show that this "sacred site" really is not so sacred (

Colbert assuredly shows the correct location of the community center and it's proximity to Ground Zero. Thereby adhering to the Code of Ethics as outlined by The Society of Professional Journalists, stating "never distort the content of news photos or video. Image enhancement for technical clarity is always permissible. Label montages and photo illustrations" (

In this case Colbert framed his coverage of the location of the cultural center to show the truth, adhering to the Code of Ethics laid out by RTDNA (, and he supported it with fact.  You can't get much more verifiable fact than a map of the city.

Below is a virtual tour of how far the proposed cultural center really is from ground zero

We declare this segment: TRUTH


One of the biggest issues regarding the Islamic cultural center is the building's proximity to Ground Zero. On August 10, 2010, Jon Stewart pointed out that there is already an existing mosque 4 blocks from Ground Zero. He also focuses on claims that it is "wrong" to build a mosque on this hallowed ground. This "hallowed ground" is an old Burlington Coat Factory (which is, according to Stewart, hallowed nonetheless). In the same episode, Stewart addresses the claim that the protests against this mosque have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with proximity. He then proceeds to cover protests taking place all over the country, including Staten Island, Wisconsin, Tennessee, and California. There isn't much context when he presents these supplemental stories, but he makes a good point in identifying the real issues at hand (,

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Municipal Land-Use Update - Ground Zero Mosque
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

In the August 19, 2010 segment of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart makes the assertion that there is already a mosque in the Pentagon ( His logic makes sense; if there's already a mosque in the Pentagon (which is just as hallowed as Ground Zero), then why is a mosque near Ground Zero such a big deal? However, Stewart unfortunately is mistaken in his assertion. There is, in fact, a non-denominational chapel in the Pentagon that lends its services to employees of various religions, including Muslims, but it is not technically a mosque (

Stewart clearly presents facts regarding the actual proximity of this cultural center. With the help of Wyatt Cenac's blatant hyperbole, Stewart disproves false fears that Muslims are trying to take over the world by building this cultural center. Stewart also hints at the idea that proximity might not be the issue at all; with so much animosity aimed toward mosques nationwide, some Americans might fear Islam itself. All of Stewart's information is correct, however he presents inaccurate information about a mosque in the Pentagon.

We declare this segment: TRUTHINESS



According to one Glenn Back article (, he states that the new mosque will be built right across the street from ground zero and will open on 9/11/11.  In a later video found on (, he seems to correct himself saying that it will be built two blocks away, which is accurate. In addition, in an article on, it denied the claim that Park 51 will be opening on 9/11/11.  

We declare this segment: TRUTHINESS.



The following video segment on this page, gives MSNBC media consumers an accurate and completely factual report on the the proposed Community Center. The center is 2 1/2 blocks from ground zero, for a total distance of about 250 yards. 75 yards from the would-be entrance to the Community Center, the letters "P-  A - T" are clearly visible, marking the edge of the entrance of ground zero. These facts were reported very manner-of-fact, no media effect theories were identifiable and opinion or bias was noted. 

We declare this segment: TRUTH