
The politics of Park 51 covered by CNN have mostly had to do with the Imam. In the article “Imam behind NYC Islamic center avoiding New York, getting protection over security concerns,” the issue of how the Imam has been frequently avoiding New York City and stays in undisclosed places while visiting the city is discussed. In the very first paragraph of the article, it reads: “The imam behind the proposed Islamic center and mosque near ground zero is largely avoiding New York City because of security concerns and is receiving protection from the New York Police Department, according to those close to the Imam,” (http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/20/imam-behind-nyc-islamic-center-avoiding-new-york-getting-protection-over-security-concerns). 

In New Jersey, there was a lawsuit September 16, involving two buildings that are owned by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's developing company. The buildings were not maintained and were being complained about left and right. The court has adjourned until October 5, but as is stated in the article, "New Jersey lawsuit opens against Imam planning NYC Islamic center," the lawsuit is "just one of the many problems recently plaguing the leadership behind Park51" (http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/09/16/new.jersey.imam.lawsuit/index.html).

CNN covered the politics of the Park 51 issues and the issues troubling the leadership behind Park 51 ethically and fully.

We declare this segment to be: TRUTH



Stephen Colbert presented some facts regarding the political involvement surrounding the "Ground Zero Mosque".  But he failed to present all the facts in context.  Protests against the building of the cultural center were covered on The Colbert Report, video footage was shown of large crowds passionately taking a stand against the proposed building (http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/359126/september-14-2010/the-word---mutually-assured-coercion). Colbert chose not to report if any speeches were made and their content, or if any significant changes occurred as a result of the protest.  He instead chose to focus on the fact that a group of protesters began harassing someone in the crowd.  Colbert proceeded to use satire to show how those protesters racially profiled this man and started harassing him with no provocation, showing the obvious intolerance that these protesters demonstrated. Colbert danced around the facts of a protest being held, and didn't give any concrete or useful information. Another political aspect covered on The Colbert Report was the threatened burning of the Qur'an by Pastor Terry Jones. Colbert states that "Pastor Jones threatened to burn the Qur'an only to stop the construction of "The Ground Zero Mosque" (http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/359126/september-14-2010/the-word---mutually-assured-coercion). That statement by Colbert is not supported by any facts or statements from Pastor Jones himself. Although Colbert may have used satire when he made this statement, interpretation is still up to the viewer. It's very possible in this case that Colbert's words may have been taken literally by a viewer. Pastor Jones has publicly spoken of burning the Qur'an and says he would burn it because "it is full of lies." Imam Rauf announced that he had never spoken to Pastor Jones and did not plan on moving the site of construction for the cultural center. Colbert said that Pastor Jones had never spoken to Imam Rauf, which is true. Colbert also said that Pastor Jones "conjured the agreement out of thin air", this is somewhat true.  Pastor Jones did speak with Imam Musri, a local Muslim Imam, who falsely told Pastor Jones that Imam Rauf had agreed to at least consider moving the mosque (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2010/09/terry-jones-timeline-it-all-st.html?referrer=emaillink).
Colbert failed to present all the facts concerning why Pastor Jones stated that a deal had been made about moving the construction site.
Again according to the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics, journalists should be careful to make sure that "Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context"

It's clear that Colbert didn't uphold the Code of Ethics in this case, 
as he didn't present the context in which this event happened. This is also an example of framing. Colbert framed Pastor Jones to look 
like an idiot for making up lies about talking with Imam Rauf, when really it was Colbert who failed to present the context of the situation. 
Politicians views concerning the community center are discussed, including Sarah Palin and President Obama.  It is shown that while Sarah Palin is against the building of the cultural center, President Obama supports it. A clip is shown from a recent News Conference in which Obama says that "Muslims have the right to practice their religion just like everyone else in the Country, including building a place of worship in lower Manhattan."  Colbert uses satire in stating that he owes President Obama an apology for calling him a secret Muslim, implying that he is an open Muslim. The satire used shows the ridiculousness of this incorrect belief (http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/350618/august-16-2010/growing-intelligence-community---richard-clarke).

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Growing Intelligence Community - Richard Clarke
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionMarch to Keep Fear Alive

We declare this segment: TRUTHINESS



Jon Stewart focuses on a lot of political issues in regard to the mosque near Ground Zero.  On August 19, 2010, Stewart shows a comparison of the initial reaction of the mosque to the current reaction to the mosque (http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-august-19-2010/extremist-makeover---homeland-edition). This change in attitude comes without any apparent reason or logic. Another segment shown by Stewart is a clip showing Obama’s changing views on the mosque (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2P2innj12c&feature=related). 

One of the guests on The Daily Show was New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-august-26-2010/michael-bloomberg). Bloomberg believes all this political involvement and unrest is due to the fact that it’s election season. Politicians are just stirring things up to get publicity and stir up some votes. Through all these clips, Stewart exposes the inconsistencies of the media and also of government officials. These people are the most influential in society—they are the faces that gain the trust of the American public. When they change their minds, the general population often changes their minds as well.
On August 10, 2010, Stewart mentions the threat to burn a Qur’an for the first time (http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-august-10-2010/municipal-land-use-hearing-update). However, it is unclear whether this is the same group led by Terry Jones that gained so much media attention around September 11. The first time Terry Jones’ group was identified as threatening to burn the Qur’an was on September 8 (http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/wed-september-8-2010-tim-kaine). Stewart spends most of his time mocking Jones’ “Civil War moustache” as well as Jones’ small time frame for the burning event. Jones named the event “International  Burn a Koran Day.” Stewart mocks his optimism in identifying it as an “international” event.  Most importantly, Stewart mocks Jones’ reasoning in justifying his burning of the Qur’an. Stewart says “See the parallel? A Christian is an extremist by burning a Qur’an; A Muslim is an extremist by reading from it.” As the anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center approached, Jones decided to withdraw his threat to burn the Qur’an, supposedly because God told him to. However, Stewart didn’t focus on Jones’ alleged deal to move the mosque to a different location. This story was covered September 13, 2010 (http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/mon-september-13-2010-ben-affleck). More moustache mockery ensues, and Stewart again jests at Jones’ reasoning. Stewart said “When God told you to do it originally, he hadn’t anticipated the backlash? I think you’re confusing God with everyone else in the world.” Stewart exposes the shallow threat (and shallow withdrawal of the threat) and emphasizes the general discord caused by Jones’ threat.

Stewart’s covered this story extensively and exposed inconsistencies of the government and media.

We declare this segment: TRUTH



In the video segment (http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/45391/), Glenn Beck states his opinion of the man who threatened to burn the Qur'an in protest of the new mosque.  In the video he reports that he is very much against it and offended by it.  However, that does not take away the man's legal right to do such a thing.
Beck has also discussed who the new Imam will be, saying he is a “potentially radical nut job.”


In the first part of this video segment, Beck makes a lot of assumptions and accusations about terroristic ties between the new Imam and Obama.  He also quotes the new Imam saying “I wouldn’t say that the United States deserved what happened, but United States Policies were and accessory to the crime that happened”.  According to an article on factcheck.com (http://www.factcheck.org/2010/08/questions-about-the-ground-zero-mosque/), there is no concrete proof that there is any connection between the people that Glenn Beck references. 

We declare this segment: TRUTHINESS



Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin speak out against the building of the community center (http://www.msnbc.com/id/38538068/with Palin calling it "intolerable." However, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who holds a chair on the September 11 Memorial Building Committee, defends plans for the community center. The political coverage that MSNBC provides gives equal attention to both the opposing and supporting sides. 

We declare this segment to be: TRUTH